Budget Information
Absentee Ballot Applications may be mailed or dropped off at the office of the District Clerk, North Shore Schools, 112 Franklin Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Budget Documents and Information for North Shore Schools
1/27/22, Budget Bootcamp Community Forum, HS Library, 7 pm
2/3/22, Supt. Initial Budget Presentation, HS Library, 7:45 pm
2/17/22, BOE Budget Review, HS Library, 7:45 pm
3/3/22, BOE Budget Review, HS Library, 7:45 pm
3/24/22, BOE Budget Adoption, HS Library, 7:45 pm
4/27/22, Meet Candidates Night, HS Café, 8 pm
5/5/22, Budget Reading, HS Library, 7:45 pm
5/17/22, Budget Vote/Election of Trustee, HS Gym, 7 am-10 pm
North Shore Budget/Trustee Vote Results
Budget- Passes (Yes - 1771, No - 1754)
Capital Reserve- Fails (Yes - 1560, No - 1798)
Trustee Election Results:
Congratulations Lisa Colacioppo and Maria Mosca for being elected to serve on the school board.
Each will serve a 3-year term.
Feb 4: Initial 2021-22 Budget Presentation
Feb 25: Budget Review
Mar 11: Budget Review
Mar 25: Budget Adoption
April 28: Meet Candidates Night (Wed, 8 PM, HS Cafe)
May 6 Budget Reading
May 18: Budget Vote/Election of Trustees (Tues, HS Gym, 7 am -10 pm)
New Absentee Ballot (English)
New Absentee Ballot (Spanish)
Request for an Absentee Ballot
Applications for absentee ballots are available during school business hours (8:00 am – 4:00 pm) from the District Clerk or on our website (above). Completed applications for requesting an Absentee Ballot will be accepted beginning April 18, 2022 and must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the vote if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, OR the day before the election if the application is hand-delivered and the ballot is picked up by the voter.
Absentee Ballot Applications may be mailed or dropped off at the office of the District Clerk, North Shore Central School District,112 Franklin Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Absentee Ballots – Due May 17, 2022 Before 5 PM
Completed absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON Tuesday, May 17, 2022 in order to be counted in the election.
ATTN: District Clerk
North Shore Schools
112 Franklin Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Q&A: Budget Vote May 18
(Posted 05-17-2021)
Q&A: Taxes
(Posted 05-14-2021)
Q&A: What Is A Reserve Fund
(Posted 05-12-2021)
Q&A: Budget Facts - Fund Balance
(Posted 05-11-2021)
Q&A: Budget Facts - Proposition 1
(Posted 04-23-2021)
Q&A: Budget Facts - Proposition 2
(Posted 4-29-2021)
Q & A: Budget Facts – $2.9M in Funding
(Posted 04-13-2021)
Q & A: Budget Facts – Budget Surplus
(Posted 04-08-2021)
Q & A: Budget Facts – Response to FOIL Claims about Release of Records
(Posted 04-06-2021)
Q & A: Budget Facts – District Reserves
(Posted 03-23-2021)
State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli created an early warning system for communities and school districts with fiscal problems. Alerting everyone to potential problems gives local officials and taxpayers the opportunity to be more proactive
Budget Passes- 3084-1892
Proposition 2 Passes- 3401-1441
Congratulations to Richard Galati and Andrea Macari on their election to the Board of Education.
2020-21- Revised Budget at a Glance
North Shore Board Adopts 2020-21 Budget Proposal
North Shore Board Adopts 2020-21 Budget Proposal Translation in Spanish (PDF) Click Here