Q&A: Budget Facts – Budget Vote Tomorrow, May 18, HS Gym, 7 am-10 pm
Dear North Shore Parents, Community Members, and Faculty,
Q. Dr. G, What are Some of the Districtwide Program Highlights that are Proposed in the 2021-22 Budget?
A. The following summarizes expenditures within the 2021-22 proposed budget for districtwide school programs, social emotional learning, technology, safety and security, supplies, and infrastructure:
Regular Instruction Enhancements: Addition of two positions for anticipated enrollment growth at all three elementary schools. Increase math AIS support at GH, SC, and GWL. Increase support for targeted instruction in reading for all students. Projected enrollment growth in BOCES Occupational Education Programs. Advanced Dance and increase support for HS Music Production. Expansion of digital text at HS.
Musical Instrument Enhancements: Replacement of Band Instruments (year 2 of 5 years).
Special Education Enhancements: Addition of a full time Independent Learning Classroom (ILC) position for cohort of 8th graders moving to 9th grade. Additional support for mandated services to students at MS. Addition of one teaching assistant at GWL.
Social & Emotional Learning and Wellness Enhancements: Expand community partnerships with Family Children’s Association, Same Here Schools, and LI Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) to support social and emotional learning for all students. Additional support for counseling for ENL students. Increase support for students in their own-targeted language.
Safety and Security Enhancements: Security to supervise outdoor learning and District facilities were added during the pandemic at all five schools.
Technology Enhancements: Expansion of 1:1 student device program for full K-12 population. Adoption of Google GSuite Enterprise software with enhanced tools for both in-person and remote learning. Upgrade of districtwide network rewiring and wireless system. Tripling of District’s bandwidth to allow for added K-12, 1:1 digital devices.
Facility Enhancements: MERV 13 filters for all five schools.
Q. Dr. G, It has been Reported that Districts Are Supposed to Receive Monies in Federal and State Aid in the Form of Pandemic Relief Funding. What Can This Be Used For?
A. As explained in Newsday this weekend, “a newly added provision in the federal law bans states from using this federal aid to reduce taxation.” These monies in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and Coronavirus Response Relief Supplemental Aid (CRSSA) are specifically required to prioritize spending on non-recurring expenses. Allowable areas of spending include assistance for COVID related expenses including improving indoor air quality and ventilation, purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean facilities, and repairing and improving risk of transmission. Additionally, 20% of monies need to address learning loss and evidence based intervention to address social and emotional needs of students including safely returning students to in-person instruction, maximizing in-person instruction time, purchasing educational technology and operating schools to meet the needs of students, providing meals to eligible students, and implementing activities related to summer learning and after-school programs. The ARP monies can be used through September 30, 2024 while the CRSSA funds can be used through September 30, 2023. For further details, please see the 2021-21 State and Federal Aid presentation at http://www.northshoreschools.org/boe/Budget/2021/2020-21-State-and-Federal-Aid-5.21.pdf on the school website.
Q. Dr. G, Can You Tell Us What Happens if the Budget Does Not Pass?
A. I have been asked this question before and under NY State legislation, if a community fails to pass a budget twice, the District by law will be forced to change the budget and adopt a “contingency” budget. The North Shore School District will be required to cut approximately $1,305,552 if the proposed 2021-22 budget is defeated by our community voters. More specifically, a contingency budget may result in the reduction of 9.5 instructional positions and cause cuts to buildings and grounds or other areas in the proposed budget.
Q. Dr. G, when is the Budget Vote/Election of Trustees this year? Is it going to be in-person rain or shine?
- A. Yes. The Budget Vote/Election of Trustees will be in-person tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18, 2021 in the North Shore High School Gym from 7 am - 10 pm. Rain or shine, the polls will be open to our community members. North Shore voters will be able to cast their ballots on Proposition 1 (2021-22 Budget), Proposition 2 (Establishment of Capital Reserve), and Election of Trustees (four candidates running for two seats). Masks need to be worn on school property, including in the polling place. Absentee ballots are due back to the Central Office by 5 pm on May 18, 2021. Please visit the school website for all budget information at www.northshoreschools.org
All the best,
Dr. Peter Giarrizzo
Superintendent of Schools