The diploma program, or DP, is built upon a philosophy of interdisciplinary, college level course work at the heart of which is the "core": Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and CAS (Creativity - Action - Service). All diploma candidates will complete these over the course of Junior and Senior years.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK): this course centers around critical thinking. Students inquire into the "nature of knowing". How do you know what you know? What affects what you know and how you know it? This is a course unto itself as well as an integral part of all IB courses.
Extended Essay (EE): students engage in mentored independent research through an in-depth study of a self-generated question relating to one of the subjects they are studying culminating in a 4,000 word essay.
Creativity Action Service (CAS): involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic schedule. To complete this requirement, students must exhibit creative thinking, action through a healthy lifestyle, and physical activity and service with the community. This can all be done through a well thought out community service project, or in smaller parts.
This is a core aspect of the IB Diploma program is CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service). Through CAS, students reflect on the learning that takes place in their various extra-curricular activities and plan a project that incorporates these areas. CAS experiences and projects often have a lasting impact on both the learner and the community. This year, seniors recorded their CAS final presentations and the videos have been uploaded to a YouTube channel, so that others may view them. To see the Class of 2020's presentations, please visit