The goal of the Middle School Humanities Department is to foster in our students a love of learning and to inspire them to become committed readers, writers and thinkers.
To this end:
Our ELA program uses the Teachers College Reading and Writing Workshop established in our elementary schools. During workshop time, students choose their own independent reading books, study anchor texts, and discuss whole class books. Students write personal narratives, memoirs, literary essays, argument essays, poetry and various other pieces related to TC units of study. Teachers provide students with individual conference feedback, differentiated coaching, and enrichment to help students reach their full potential.
Our Social Studies program utilizes student centered learning practices where reading, writing, and research skills are developed and the past is “uncovered” through student inquiry and the interpretation primary and secondary sources. We want our students to be active citizens who understand their role within a democracy and how their voices can make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.
New York State Social Studies Standards
NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework Introduction
NYS K-8 Social Studies Framework
Helpful Links:
National History Day --
Reading & Writing Project --
ELA Standards --