8th Graders Participate in Annual North Shore History Day
On January 18, 2025, eighth graders participated in North Shore History Day in the Middle School Library. This year’s History Day theme was Rights and Responsibilities. Students spent several weeks in class reading and researching their self-selected United States history topic connected to the History Day theme. Students then selected a project type to communicate their learning. Some topics included Heroes of 9/11 and Their Lasting Impact, Title IX Leveling the Field, Brown vs. the Board of Education, Unethical Human-Subject Experiments in History, Roe V. Wade, Tea Party, Protest Music of the Vietnam War, Harriet Tubman, The Negro Leagues, Amelia Earhart’s Effects on Women Rights, Rosa Parks, James Madison’s Influence on the War of 1812, and The NY Draft Riots – just to name a few!
Secondary Humanities Director, Mr. Seth Gordon said, “Our students created exhibits, websites, papers, documentaries and even their own performances to showcase their learning and exceptional talents. We were truly impressed by the commitment each student made to develop a thoughtful and original project.”
To create an authentic audience at the North Shore Middle School History Day, many teachers and administrators were invited to view student projects and speak with students throughout the day including Superintendent Dr. Chris Zublionis, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Dr. Carol Ann Smyth, MS Principal Dr. Ryan O’Hara, and MS Assistant Principal Dr. Maram Mabrouk stopped in to see these wonderful interdisciplinary projects and presentations. Some faculty and invited guests were also judges and many remarked on the sophistication of student research, depth of student knowledge, and their communication and invaluable public speaking skills.
Mr. Gordon concluded by saying, “All students were winners on this day as the research and learning was inspirational. For the individual category winners, they will be invited to participate in the local history day competition in March. A special thank you to all the teachers, judges, parents, and students that helped make History Day a memorable experience!” This was truly a wonderful example of how our "Vikings in the Middle" are thriving on their North Shore Journey! Go Vikings Go!
Article written with assistance from Secondary Humanities Director, Seth Gordon
Photos by Shelly Newman