Glen Head Reading Celebration Begins Reading and Writing is Better Together
On March 3, 2025, the annual Glen Head School Reading Celebration began with all K-5 students in the gym. Principal Thomas Sheehan hosted the Opening Ceremony with the theme, “Reading and Writing is Better Together.”
During the celebration, Glen Head students will be reading various books related to the theme. The special guest author, Jacqueline Davies, will be in town visiting with the students on March 13. Parents will be guest readers and will have the opportunity to read wonderful stories or works of poetry related to the theme to their child’s class. In addition, the Glen Head Book Swap and the Estimation Challenge will take place with other Glen Head School students.
During the opening Reading Celebration Ceremony, Librarians Ms. Smith and Ms. Kingsley along with Principal Sheehan read and acted out, “It’s a Sign” by Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey, a book about starting a club where every member is good at something except naming the club!
As in the past, students are always encouraged to read and write throughout the year, but for the celebration, students will be inspired to read at home and use their Book Bucks to enter to win a reading raffle prize. The closing ceremony will take place on March 14.
Article and photos by Shelly Newman