GWL 2nd Grade Balance Inquiry at Tappan Beach
Second graders explored the essential question, "Is balance essential in all aspects of life?" They made predictions and then participated in stations set-up at Tappan Beach.
This interdisciplinary opportunity involved students exploring balance through Yoga and Music. In Yoga, GWL students focused on tranquility, mind body soul balance and peacefulness in nature. They practiced different popular yoga poses on individual mats. In Music composition run by Ms. Curran, students explored nature sounds including wind, birds, insects, and storms. Each group created a "soundscape" composition, using a variety of pitched and non-pitches percussion instruments and experimented with various dynamics, tempos, and timbre to find the balance for their instrumental ensembles. In art with Ms. Moran, students used different blocks to find balance and create artwork on the beach. Lastly, a beach clean-up with Mrs. Marcantonio enabled the second graders to explore the shoreline ecosystem and the impact of cultural, or man-made items on biotic factors. They were asked, “Is this Ecosystem Balanced?”
As students concluded their work on balance, the same initial question was posed. Students' thinking changed or deepened because of their experiences on the beach. A special “thank you” to the second-grade teachers and Collaboration Team who helped make this interdisciplinary balance experience possible.
Students will understand….
Essential Overarching Question:
EQ1-Is balance essential? (Kids are thinking in all aspects- Scientifically we will focus on- abiotic, biotic, and cultural.... What happens as cultural aspects of ecosystems increase?)
EQ2-How do parts of a system work interdependently and dependently? Provide examples to support your thinking. (Question will be posed before the unit, during, and after.)
EQ3-How do questions about our world guide our inquiry and help us learn more?
Topical Essential Questions:
TEQ1-How do interdependent and dependent relationships impact an ecosystem?
TEQ2-How do individuals and communities impact the diversity, interdependence, and balance of ecosystems?
Article written with assistance from GWL Enrichment Teacher, Audra Marcantonio
Photos by Shelly Newman