Sea Cliff Kindergarten Family Celebration
As an annual tradition, all the kindergarten classes at Sea Cliff School participated in a Family Study during the beginning months of school ending in a Family Celebration on January 31. To the delight of their proud parents, grandparents, and friends, the children performed a number of enjoyable songs and poems on the Sea Cliff stage as part of their culmination. They included the Family Tree song, the popular song, “Do You Want to Build A Snowman?, and the Mandarin Family song (sung in mandarin) led by Mr. David Schultz.
After the performance, everyone was invited back to each of the classrooms to continue the celebration and share in the Traditional Family Books made by the students complete with family portraits, family trees, and visuals that show “How families show their love in different ways?” The students learned that while all families are different, the glue that holds them together is love!
Many thanks to all of the Sea Cliff kindergarten teachers who worked so hard with their students to make this culmination such a wonderful educational experience. Additionally, our gratitude goes out to all of the students for their heartwarming performance.
Article and photos by Shelly Newman