HS Living Skills Class Assist SC Students in the Sea Cliff School Garden
During the summer of 2022, Mrs. Oppido’s Daily Living Skills class assisted Ms. Hassani and Mrs. Becker in the Sea Cliff School Garden. They helped turn the beds, learned how to compost, and planted carrot, cucumber, and squash seeds.
They returned to the garden in September 2022 to help harvest the tomatoes and cucumbers. The students were joined by Mrs. Ebert's ILC students. The High School students were so excited to teach the Elementary School students how to harvest, plant, compost, and weed. Mrs. Oppido’s class will return every Tuesday this fall and spring to help tend the garden they helped create.
In addition, Sea Cliff School has organized a delicious garden tasting each week during students' lunchtime. They even get to visit Superintendent Dr. Chris Z. and surprise him with delicious tastings from the SC garden! A special thank you to our amazing Lunch Program Manager, Mr. Levin, Nurse Green and Ms. Hassani for coordinating and preparing our garden cafe tastings each week!
Article and photos submitted by Teacher Assistant, Nina Becker