Weather Explorations and Conversation in the Sea Cliff School Garden
On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, the Sea Cliff School third grade classes each visited the school garden for a Weather Exploration and Conversation led by Ms. Maria Mosca, a Sea Cliff parent. These visits were a natural tie-in to the weather studies that are part of the third-grade curriculum.
Ms. Mosca stated, “We spent a few minutes sharing information about all the aspects of weather that we could think of, then the students explored everywhere in the garden and tried to identify how various weather elements have affected the plants that we are growing. Despite the gorgeous weather during the second week of November, the students noted how most of the plants were wilting and beginning to die now because there was a light frost about a week ago as autumn's overall march to winter is bringing colder winds and temperatures that are desiccating the leaves.”
A little later the third graders discovered that the carrots are still thriving and quickly figured out that they are kept warmer much longer by the soil because they are root vegetables. "The students were really engaged in a lively discussion; it was evident there was so much more to learn and too little time, but everyone was eager to come back very soon!," said Ms. Mosca.
Principal Jeanette Wojcik concluded by saying, “We are all so very grateful for the Sea Cliff PCA who donated money to expand the Sea Cliff School Garden and help to complete our vision for an outdoor classroom.”
Article written with assistance from Ms. Maria Mosca
Photos by Shelly Newman