Congratulations 2020 North Shore High School Graduates!
Best of luck to you in the future!
It was a beautiful day on Friday, June 26, as the North Shore High School seniors donned their caps and gowns for the 2020 Commencement Ceremony. While social distancing on the high school campus or watching via livestream, parents, administrators, and families happily observed the ceremony led by Principal Albert Cousins. Speakers included Superintendent Dr. Peter Giarrizzo, Valedictorian, Kyra McCreery, Salutatorian, Mary Sotiryadis, and North Shore Board of Education President, Ms. Sara Jones.
Congratulations to all of the North Shore High School graduates and their families who attended the 2020 Commencement Ceremony. It was a special ceremony that took much planning during these unusual times that will always be remembered. The students were given white and maroon North Shore High School Class of 2020 face masks that complimented their caps and gowns. During the ceremony, the National Anthem was virtually sung by Zoe Siegel and the Alma Mater was led by Irene Zachariadis accompanied virtually by members of the North Shore High School musicians conducted by Mr. David Soto. Days prior to the graduation ceremony, the high school seniors were able to take Porch Photos by Adrienne Daley in front of the Victorian House in their caps and gowns.
Valedictorian: Kyra McCreery
Salutatorian: Mary Sotiryadis
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 including: Gianni Abouelhassan, Kenneth Aebly, Juliette Alfarone, Stephanie Alvarez, Crespo, George Amigdalos, Ethan Aminov, Luca Antinori, Krishna Arya, Leah Baron, Alexandra Bayon, Nicholas Belfiore, Alex Berlin, Sonja Rose Bogolubov, Jenna Bonavita, Lindsay Bonn, Liana Bordonaro, Hannah Bradford, Jake Broccolo, Maxwell Bross, Keegan Brown, Melissa Brugmann, Dominick Calderoni Jr., Alissa Calo, Anthony Caprarella, Julia Carroll, Victor Cartagena, Eleanor Casale, Cristina Castro, Michael Cavallone, Sofia Cerpa, Louis Cerrone, Brett Chamberlain, Stanley Chan, John Channell, Jonathan Chevez, Joshua Chou, William Ciniski, Anthony Colon, Nathaniel Connolly, James Coutsoukes, Jenna Cuevo, Ryan D’Angelis, Mia Daley, Christopher Damphouse, Keaton Danseglio, Amanda DeGeorge, Nicoletta DellaRatta, Alexander DeMeo, Madeleine DePietro, James DeSimone, Nicholas Dey, Juliana DiFeo, Nicholas Ditrano, Michael Doherty, Carolyn Doyle, Veronica Drescher, Shea Edelman, Eamon Esposito, Matthew Falcone, Micaela FitzPatrick, Sophia Fleming, Hope Foley, Juliana Forsander, Andrew Franco, Jacob Gatcke, Christian Genet, Brooke Geoghegan, Antonio George, Noelle Giambrone Hatalovsky, Mairead Gibbons, Camille Giertl, Ryleigh Gilligan, Harrison Gillman, Christian Godinez, Avery Goodman, Travis Goss, Jack Gottfried, Alexa Grayson, Lily Guerin, Isabella Ham, JiaWei Hao, Gabriella Harbord, Alyssa Hartmann, Sierra Hiner, Dylan Hoell, Katherine Hunt, Kristina Hurtado, Herbert Huston III, Aidan Janusas, Andrew Jarkow, James Kahn, Robert Kahn, Alice Katok, Anthony Katok, Brianna Kennedy, Dylan Kenny, Luke Kenny, Summer Knoell, Sarina Koli, Vasiliki Kontorouhas, Michael Kopetic, Kerin Krasnoff, Molly Krasnoff, Sophia Kraupner, Trevor Kunkel, Daniel Lagos, Sofia Lamberti, Jacob Lando, Louis Lavenda, Izzy Lerman, Nora Lewis, Tiger Li, Danielle Ligure, Grace Long, Nate Loring, Alexander Lynn, Ming Hao Ma, Olivia Magliocco, Maya Malhotra, Zachary Malin, Nicholas Manfredonia, Salvatore Manfredonia, Alec Mannetta, Aidan Mannix, Matthew Marchese, Maximo Marra, Luke Martin, Mireya Martin, Kyra McCreery, Michael McMahon, Molly McPartlin, Jonathan Melendez, Charles Merlis, Anthony Milanese, Sarah Moran, Ryan Murphy, Gillian Neos, Olivia Nester, Stefan Nguyen, Emma O’Brien, Lydia O’Sullivan, Colin Oswald, Nicole Palmetto, Jacob Papalcure, Kaitlyn Papasidero, Nicole Papazian, Katherine Pappas, Liliana Parise, Christina Pavlidis-Sanchez, Daniel Pepe, Noah Peretz, Sofia Perez, Annette Pietraru, Thomas Ponzo, Daniela Portela, Kira Potapov, Arthur Purcell, Daniel Purcell, Carla Quinones, Christopher Rasizzi, Esme Reilly, Vianelis Reyna, Georgia Ritter, Madelyn Rivera, Katherine Rogers, Robert Roper Jr, Kristen Roth, Emma Russo, Michael Russo, Sara Ryan, Gabriella Salvatori, George Sanoulis, John Sasso, Claudia Scala, Leonard Scarola, William Scarola, Paul Schmalzried III, Nicole Schneider, Sam Scordo, Gabriella Scott, Alfred Seipp III, Louis Sepe, Daniel Seringer, James Seringer, Fiona Shonik, Alesandra Sicuranza, Zoe Siegel, Suhana Singh, Nicole Smith, Emma Sorensen, Kyle Soscie, Mary Sotiryadis, Joseph Spiridigliozzi, Amelia Steele, Carolyn Thoet, Nicholas Thomaidis, Victoria Topol, Rachel Truskinovsky, Kevin Valencia, Olivia Van Patten, Thomas Van Patten, Zoe Varkaris, Laura Velasquez, Julia Vineis, Jennifer Walton, Christina Watkins, Patrick Weingart, Mitchell Weinz, Brooke Whitcomb, Violet White, Pierce Whitting, Pierce Whitting, Christina Wile, Darcy Winter, Samantha Woods, Shuhao Xuanyuan, and Irene Zachariadis.
Superintendent Dr. Giarrizzo said, “I try to select a song that makes me think fondly of all of you while providing me with an opportunity to use a soundtrack to help me frame my thoughts. In My Life, written by John Lennon of the Beatles with help from Paul McCartney and George Martin in 1965. In his last major interview,
Mr. Lennon described it as “a remembrance of friends and lovers of the past.” But, this popular song is also about “the present and the person who is standing before them” as represented in the conclusion of the son that says, “…Though I know I never will lose affection for people and things that went before. I know I’ll often think about them. In my life, I love you more.”
Principal Cousins thanked all of the parents and their families and told his graduating seniors that he respected them and was very proud of their accomplishments especially during this difficult school year. He stated that they had fulfilled all of the New York State High School requirements to graduate. He reminded them to always “be teachable” as they move forward throughout their college years and careers. Principal Cousins wished all of his seniors the best of luck in the future! We also want to wish Principal Albert Cousins luck in his future endeavors. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Article by Shelly Newman
Photos by Adrienne Daley