Glen Head Rainbow of Respect (more photos below)
On October 25, 2017, Glen Head School celebrated Unity Day by doing something very special. This year, members of the Glen Head School Dignity for All Club decided to create a “Rainbow of Respect.” Students and teachers in the different grade levels were asked to wear a different color of the rainbow to school. “This initiative was part of national Bullying Prevention Month,” said School-wide Enrichment Teacher, Janet Goldberg. “It is a time for us to appreciate our differences while celebrating what we all have in common.”
Prior to the event, the Dignity for All Club sent a letter to the parents and guardians of the children of Glen Head School. It said,
“Unity Day is a day when we speak words of support and choose acts of kindness. It is a day when we reach out to others to appreciate our differences and celebrate all that we have in common.
To join us in creating our Rainbow of Respect,
just wear the color your grade is assigned!
Kindergarten: Red Third Grade: Green
First Grade: Orange Fourth Grade: Blue
Second Grade: Yellow Fifth Grade: Purple
Special Area Faculty & Staff: Choose your favorite color of the rainbow!
Sponsored by Members of the GHS Community Service Club & Dignity for All”
On October 25, following a fire drill, all of the students, faculty, and staff went outside onto the playground. Once the drill was completed, each grade level dressed in their designated colors proceeded onto the field behind the school. Students first from fifth grade, then fourth grade, then until ultimately down to kindergarten formed the “Rainbow of Respect.” Many thanks to Principal Lori Nimmo, Mrs. Janet Goldberg, Mrs. Sharon Richmond and all of the members of the Dignity for All Club who initiated this wonderful, school-wide, act of kindness in honor of Unity Day.
Article and photos by Shelly Newman