Red Ribbon Week at the North Shore Schools
Sea Cliff Celebrates Red Ribbon Week 
Red Ribbon Week is a prevention awareness campaign usually observed annually in October across the United States. At the North Shore Schools, October 23-October 31, has been devoted to Red Ribbon Week to help students further gain prevention awareness against alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Throughout the District, each of our five schools will be participating in different activities and events as part of Red Ribbon Week.
The following activities were spearheaded by Principal Zublionis and his teacher at Sea Cliff School:
Red Ribbon Week at Sea Cliff:
- Monday October 23-31
- Tied Red Ribbons around trees
- Theme Week (10/23 – wear red shirts to kick off Red Ribbon Week, 10/24 –Put a Cap on Drugs, 10/25 – Drug Free Team (where your favorite team sport shirts), 10/26 – Being drug free is no sweat (where your favorite sweatpants), 10/27 – take a stand for a Drug Free Land (wear red, white, and blue)
- Sign the “big sign” to keep our hands off drugs
- Every student watched the video link below; “I’m Only Me if I’m Drug Free”
- Art Club made red ribbons to hang around the building
- Optional poster and picture project (below)
Kindergarten-1st Grade
- Create a poster or picture that includes words of how students can work together to make Sea Cliff a better place!
2nd-3rd Grade
- Create a poster or picture that includes words of how students can make good choices, including staying away from drugs.
4th-5th Grade
- Create a poster or picture that includes words, of how students can help other students stay drug free.
Article by Shelly Newman
Photos by Megan McCormack